translation Archives

2024 CSA Research Language Service Provider Rankings

(*Linked or embedded content may have been removed or be unavailable.) Language service provider rankings continue to come in for 2024. The CSA Research Global Market Survey lists the largest language service providers in the industry. In the 2024 edition of their annual survey, CSA ranked Crestec among the top 100 globally at number 44, and number 11 among …

Your translations are your property, so don’t treat them like a commodity

Translation has become so easy to access, thanks to technological advances, that corporations easily fall into the mindset of treating translation like a commodity, or maybe even a troublesome extra step they wish would just go away. This is a trap, though, because it overlooks the enormous potential of translation, localization, and transcreation,…

2024 Language Service Provider Rankings

(*Linked or embedded content may have been removed or be unavailable.) Slator and Nimdzi, two of the most recognized organizations in the language services industry, recently released their 2024 global rankings for language service providers. Crestec has been listed as a Leader in the Slator Language Service Provider Index, and once again ranked among the to…

Should companies make video tutorials, or should consumers?

If your company has the resources and wants to maintain control over messaging, branding and quality, creating your own video tutorials may be the best way to go. If you are planning on releasing localized content for specific markets, it’s probably a good idea to look into language service providers that handle script and subtitle localization. Some compani…

Let’s celebrate ‘punctuation day’ by looking back at what’s the point of it all

(*Linked or embedded content may have been removed or be unavailable.) Did you know that September 24th is National Punctuation Day? Well, at least it is in the US. But if you didn’t know, well, don’t worry. Most people are even less aware of ‘punctuation day’ than they are of punctuation itself. Punctuation has always been there, lik…

How semantic change might be a linguistic roadblock for time-travelers

(*Linked or embedded content may have been removed or be unavailable.) There is some debate as to whether time travel is possible at all, but for a moment, imagine that it will one day become possible. It might help to be dressed appropriately for the era you’re travelling to. But perhaps more importantly, are you prepared to speak the language? Langua…

The trick to understanding whether you need translation, localization or transcreation

As markets become more global, companies that have dealt mainly within their national borders are increasingly forced to adopt a more international perspective. And that often involves providing instruction manuals and sales promotional materials in different languages. But what’s the process involved? Is it translation, localization or transcreation? …

How one translated word nearly closed Japan’s newest ballpark before it opened

Japanese people love baseball. A steady stream of high-level talent that have arrived on American shores, spearheaded by Hideo Nomo, Ichiro and “Godzilla” Hideki Matsui, and more recently in the form of “Shotime” Shohei Ohtani, show us the depth of Japan’s love affair with the sport. Another fact about Japan is that they can be …

Crestec CEO Akira Takabayashi will join LocWorld48 Silicon Valley as a session panelist

Crestec CEO Akira Takabayashi will be joining LocWorld48 Silicon Valley as a session panelist. On November 2nd, Crestec CEO Akira Takabayashi will be joining fellow panelists Rain Lau and Jun Shim, and session moderator Iti Sahai, for a valuable and informative session titled “Deep Culturalization as the Key to Achieving Global Success.” This session will be…

Crestec will join the LocWorldWide45 virtual conference in October 2021

Join the conversation at the LocWorldWide45 virtual conference October 19th through the 21st. Crestec will be present as a virtual exhibitor. This online global event promises valuable sessions with experienced presenters from top organizations who will be sharing best practices, real-world examples, and visions for the future. If it’s your first time joinin…